Benefits of Supporting Physical Activity
Helping your organization share information about the benefits of physical activity for children with disabilities.

Image: A child with a disability on the ice playing sledge hockey, in their equipment.
Helping your organization share information about the benefits of physical activity for children with disabilities.
Image: A child with a disability on the ice playing sledge hockey, in their equipment.
Physical activity refers to any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure and increases heart rate and breathing.
Why is this important? Evidence suggests that when families receive information about the benefits of physical activity for children and youth with disabilities then they are more motivated to support their children to be active.
There are many benefits that children and youth with a disability can experience by engaging in regular physical activity. Some organizations have had difficulty finding evidence-based information about these benefits which makes it challenging for organizations to share this information with families.
In this resource you can find three categories of evidence-based content regarding the benefits of physical activity for children and youth with disabilities:
How to use this guide: We’ve provided some of the many benefits associated with physical activity participation. There are also example messages that your organization can use on social media or websites to communicate this evidence-based information with families.
Download our accessible PDF version! Link re-directs to a preview (new tab) to download from.
Benefits of Supporting PA (PDF)
Physical activity enables socialization opportunities for children with disabilities to meet new people, build friendships, and have positive role models.